Garlic and Parsley

The perfect blend of two of the most widely used condiments in Mediterranean cuisine.

Granulated garlic and parsley leaves, chopped and dried, to add to many of our dishes, prepare a sauce with oil and a little salt, or a vinaigrette.
Ideal with all kinds of grilled, boiled or stewed fish, add to omelettes, pasta dishes, sprinkle on jacket potatoes, grilled vegetables or toast, garlic prawns, baked or barbecued meat and all kinds of stews.


Garlic and Parsley Plastic Jar Mini

Net Weight: 140g

EAN: 8412666022449

Group: 6 Plastic Jars Mini

Outer Box: 36 Plastic Jars Mini


Garlic and Parsley Glass Jar

Net Weight: 35g

EAN: 8412666035043

Group: 10 Glass Jars

Outer Box: 120 Glass Jars


Garlic and Parsley Plastic Jar

Net Weight: 15g

EAN: 8412666011733

Group : 15 Plastic Jars

Outer Box: 300 Plastic Jars


Garlic and Parsley Horeca Jar

Net Weight: 210g

EAN: 8412666012211

Outer Box: 16 Horeca Jars


Garlic and Parsley Horeca Jar

Net Weight: 400g

EAN: 8412666009174

Outer Box: 12 Horeca Jars


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